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Collaboration at It's Best!

The first High-Leverage Practice for Students with Disabilities is Collaboration - - "For special education teachers, constantly working with a wide range of people, other teachers, school staff, families, and caregivers - is more than part of the job description. Working with these various groups and collaborating with them is essential and ultimately provides many benefits for the children we work to support. Implementing collaboration practices builds effective relationships and creates a better understanding of students' needs, which allows them to succeed."

Riley Troili, a Special Education Teacher at Bleckley County Elementary School, understands the importance of collaboration. Riley had a vision to form an alliance with other teachers in Bleckley County and surrounding areas who, like her, also teach special education in a self-contained setting. Through the alliance, she thought it would be a great way to share ideas, give encouragement, and support each other. As she shared her vision with a local agri-tourism business owner of Green Acres Farm, Leigh Ann Greene, an idea was formed to offer a Free Special Needs Day to teachers and their classes who are a part of the Alliance.

But first came the Alliance. Through Riley's vision, the Facebook Group Special Educators Alliance (SEA) was established and has 40 members from 14 counties. The motto of the group is "Catch the Wave to Excellence." And excellence it has achieved.

Special Needs Day at Green Acres Farm

From collaboration to implementation, the vision of SEA has already implemented a plan. On Friday, September 22, 2023, fourteen groups from seven counties will attend the Special Needs Day at Green Acres Farm. One hundred fifty students will experience and benefit from the collaborative efforts of one teacher with a vision! To Catch the Wave of Excellence, check out Riley Trioli's SEA Facebook page and see the true benefit of collaboration!

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