
Inclusive Leadership
Inclusive education is a schoolwide culture and practice of valuing each student as a learner across general education classrooms, rather than a particular program or place. School leaders use schedules, teacher teams, and data to ensure the academic progress and success of each student.

Transition is the movement from school to post-school environments. It should include skills necessary for the student to be successful in education, employment, and independent living after the completion of high school. Transition tools and resources are available through the Georgia Department of Education.

Georgia's Tiered System of Supports for Students
Georgia's Tiered System of Supports for Students is a Multi-tiered System of Supports which includes screening, progress monitoring, multi-level prevention system, and data-based decision making. Georgia's model also includes infrastructure to ensure schools can develop a systemic and preventive educational system that can be easily personalized for every child.

Heart of Georgia Transition Alliance
The Heart of Georgia Transition Alliance is a volunteer organization that works to improve transition services for individuals with disabilities through activities that bridge the services and information gap in transition community options, employment, and post-secondary opportunities in the Heart of Georgia Region. Visit the HGTA website to learn more and how you can become a volunteer.

Self Determination
Self-Determination is a concept reflecting the belief that all individuals have the right to direct their own lives. It is acting as the primary causal agent in one's life free from undue external influence or interference (Wehmeyer,1996). The Georgia Department of Education has adopted ASPIRE and the Self-Determined Learning Model of Instruction to support educators to assist students to build self-determination skills.

Directory of Summer Camps for Children with Disabilities
During the summer months, many parents want to find recreational or camp
programs for their children. Sometimes it can be especially hard to find programs
that accept children with disabilities or programs that are specifically designed for
these youngsters. The purpose of this Directory is to help parents, educators, and
other interested citizens find such programs.
The Directory presents information on day camps, residential camps, school camps, and various recreational and instructional programs that accept youngsters with
disabilities. Most programs listed are located in Georgia.