Brittney Faircloth, Laurens County Schools SHOWCASE Transition Teacher, celebrates the accomplishments of her students. Brittney stated, "Our young adults are doing AMAZING things!!"
Students in Brittney's classroom spend every school day working towards transitioning from high school. Their classroom is set up like a home where they learn to cook breakfast and lunch daily using the microwave, oven, and stove. In addition to time spent in school, Brittany's students are learning to navigate the world of work and are provided community experiences. Students in the program work three days a week in Supportive Employment. The students are currently employed at the Salvation Army and Dublin OBGYN. Brittany stated that her students LOVE their jobs!! They have real working experiences such as clocking in and out, dressing appropriately for work,

interacting with employees and customers, and completing the tasks given to them by their bosses.
Supported Employment can lead to more permanent positions. A student who participated in Supported Employment last year at Your Pie is now employed by them. He works Monday-Friday after school. Brittney said, "He loves it there, and I often ponder if he would have known he had an interest in food service if we had not had a supportive employ
ment placement there."
The program provides opportunities for students with disabilities that help increase their daily living and vocational skills. Additional opportunities in the community include access to Fairview Fitness Center, where students work out on Thursdays. The students in the Showcase
Transition Program have opened their own bank accounts, made deposits into their bank accounts, and used their debit cards for purchases in the community. They've obtained their Georgia Identification Cards, filled out applications for library cards, and completed the voter registration process. The program prepares them to live as independently as possible and hopefully leads them to obtain a job. Brittney stated, "The Showcase Transition Program boosts the students' confidence and shows them they are CAPABLE! "
For more information on the structure of Laurens County Showcase Transition Program, see the attached document at the link below.