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The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) places a state-level 1% cap on the number of students who can be assessed using a State's alternate assessment based on alternate academic achievement standards in each subject area. GaDOE is proposing a new rubric to determine who falls within that 1%. The meeting is an opportunity for families to learn about proposed changes and to provide feedback to GaDOE.

Please share this information with families as appropriate.

Date: Thursday, July 27, 2023

Time: 7:00pm - 8:00 pm

Heart of Georgia RESA is offering a back-to-school Zoom meeting with Chris Clark, CEO of Georgia Chamber. Chris will provide insight into what our employers need from our school, population trends, and how K-12 and higher education institutions will be vital in Georgia's continued economic dominance in the Southeastern United States. Check out the attached flyer for all the information and how to register for this Zoom informational session. You must register to participate.

Along with the excitement of summer comes the start of summer activities! What better way to celebrate summer than camp fun? Register your child for summer camp today! Just click on the camp name to learn more about it!

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